마크 주커버그 하버드 졸업 축사 1 :: 영어 받아쓰기, dictation

하일리킴 2023. 3. 1. 19:52

I love this place.


Thank you all for coming out in the rain. the pouring rain.


We're gonna make this worthy for you. 


President Faust, board of overseers, faculty, friends, alumni, proud parent, memebers of the adboard.

and graduates of the greatest university in the world. 


I'm honor to be here with you today, because, let's face it. You accompished something I never could.


If I get through this speech today, It'll be the first time I actually finished something here at harvard. 


class of 2017, congratulations!



Now, I'm an unlikely speaker today, not just because I'm dropped out.


but because we're technically in the same generation. 


We walked this yard less then a decade apart, We studied the same ideas, and slept through the same EC10 lectures.


We may have taken different routes (roads) to get here, especially you came all the way from the Quad. 


But today, I wanna share what I've learned about our generation, and the world we're all building together.


but first, these last couple of days brought back a lot of good memeories.


How many of you remember exactly where you were, and what you were doing when you got that e-mail, telling you you you got into Harvard.


I was playing, I was playing the video game, Civilization, and I ran down to stair got my dad, and for some reason, his first reaction was to video me opening the email. 


That could've been a really really sad video.


But I swear, getting into Harvard is the thing my parents are most proud of me for 


My mom is nodding. You all know what I'm talking about?


It's tough to beat this. You'll see when you get out there.


How many of you remember your first lecture here at harvard.


Mine was computer science 121 with the incredible Harry Lewis. Harry! 


I was running late for class, so I throw on a T-shirts, and I didn't realize until afterwards, as I put it on inside out and backwards my tag was sticking out the front.  

and I didn't realize until afterwards it was indide out and backwards with my tag sticking out the front.


I couldn't figure out why no one in class would talk to me, 


except for this one guy KX JIN, He just went with it. 


We started doing our problems sets together, and now he runs a big part of facebook.  


and that, class of 2017, is why you should be nice to people.