마크 주커버그 하버드 졸업 축사 2 :: 영어 받아쓰기, dictation
But my best memory from Harvard is meeting Priscilla.
I had just launched this prank website, Facemash, and the adboard wanted to "see" me.
* prank : 스케일이 좀 큰 장난? ( https://ohhnew.tistory.com/47 참고)
Everyone thought I was gonna get kicked out.
My parents drove up here to help me pack my stuff.
My friends threw me a going-away party. Who does that?
as luck would have it, Priscilla was at that party with her friends, and we met in line for the bath room in the foho bell tower,
and in what must be one of the all time most romantic lines, I turned her and said, I'm getting kicked out(I'm goingt to get kicked out) in 3 days, so we need to go on a date quickly.
Actually, any of you graduating today can use that line.
I'm getting kicked out today, we need to go out a date fast.
I didn't end up kicked out.
I did that to myself.
Priscilla and I started dating. And you know, that movie made it seem like 'Facemash' was so important to starting facebook, It wasn't.
but without Facemash, I never would've met Priscilla, and Priscilla is the most important person in my life.
So you could still say, it was the most important thing I built in my time here.
We have all started lifelong friendships here, and some of us even families.
That's why I am so grateful to this place, Thanks Harvard.
Today, I wanna talk about 'Purpose'.
But I'm not here to give you the standard commencemet about finding your purpose.
We're millenials. we try to do that instinctively.
Instead, I'm here to tell you that finding your purpose isn't enough.
The challenge for our generation is to create a world where everyone has a sense of purpose.
One of my favorite story, is when JFK went to go visit the NASA space center, and he saw janitor holding a broom,
and he asked him what he was doing, the janitor replied, "Mr. president, I'm helping put a man on the moon."
Purpose is that feeling that you are a part of something bigger than yourself,
that you are needed, and that you have something better ahead to work for.
Purpose is what creates true happiness.
and you are graduating in a time, when this is especially important.
When our parents graduated, that sense of purpose reliably came from your job, your church your community.
but today, technology and automation are eliminating many jobs.
Membership in a lot of community has been declining.
and a lot of people are feeling disconnected and depressed, and they're trying to fill a void in their lives.
As I traveled around, I've sat with children in juvenile detention and opioid addicts,
who told me that maybe their lives would have turned out differently if they just had something to do, and after school program or somewhere to go.
I've met factory workers who know their old job aren't coming back, and they're just trying to find their path ahead.
For our society to keep moving forward, we have a generational challenge, to not only create new jobs, but create a renewed sense of purpose.